Monday, September 12, 2005

No More Diets - Automatic weight loss

29th August 2005


Pretty wet and windy yesterday in Edinburgh so had to face the spare room horror and start clearing it out. Kept me busy and away from the fridge though.

Had lunch out again on Saturday but this time portions were so small I was still hungry after main course and dessert - after I had walked over half an hour each way to help use up those calories too. Made me feel quite angelic. Had a good time anyway in great company.

Hope you had your angelic moments this weekend too :)

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth
Personal Weight Loss coach
"The friendliest most supportive place to lose weight"

Feature Article : Automatic weight loss

Losing weight can seem like an uphill struggle at times. You battle with foods you can eat and foods you can't. You resist your cravings for chocolate and cake and cookies all day only to give in while you watch TV in the evening. You huff and puff at the gym for two weeks or two months until finally you just can't drag yourself there any more.

Sometimes you lose a load of weight with a lot of hard effort only to hit a plateau. And then you can't seem to shift any more.

Finally you give up on whatever plan you're on, relax for a bit and all the weight comes straight back on. All that effort for nothing.

Life should be easier than this. Why does losing weight have to be so hard?

The answer is that we make it hard on ourselves!

We want to lose weight and we want it now and we think we're willing to do whatever it takes.

But we quickly change our minds when the rubber meets the road and we actually have to follow that diet regime we signed up for.

You could make the whole process much easier by taking the automatic route.

The secret to losing weight automatically is not by making big changes to your diet or exercise routines. These routines never stick in the long run because they are way out of your comfort zone.

Yes, you may very well suffer them for a week or two while your motivation to lose weight is high but it takes iron willpower to stick with them until you lose all the weight you want.

And let's face it unless you stick with them forever that weight all comes straight back on doesn't it?

Because you go right back to the habits you had before you went on your weight loss program. The ones that caused you to put all that weight on in the first place.

No, the secret to losing weight automatically is to make small changes to your routines. Ones which will be barely detectable to others - only you will really know the difference. You make changes like taking time to enjoy your food more, moving a little bit more as you go about your day, learning how to deal with pressures to eat from others, stopping eating whenever you're satisfied and before you know it you are losing weight. Not only that but you have habits which you can stick to for life and which you'll never need (or want) to change.

What small changes could you make today which would mean that you eat a little bit less and move a little bit more? Could you live with those changes for life? Then start right now to make them a habit.

Habits are built by repetition and like having a shower or brushing your teeth become an automatic part of you without having to think about it. To be slimmer forever you simply need slimmer habits - habits which keep your metabolism high enough to deal with the amount you eat over a period of time. That doesn't mean that you can never over-indulge - it just means that in your normal day to day life you are using your slim habits and as a result the odd huge meal or chocolate bar really doesn't make any difference.

Why make it hard on yourself when this can be so much easier?

Janice Elizabeth Small

If you want to try out the 24 key habits that automate your weight loss and learn how to slot them easily into your life, get the Diet Exit Plan manual today. You'll get fantastic support and encouragement too with the accompanying 8-week coaching program including personal access to our weight loss coaches and special reports. Not only that we've included 3-months membership of the Simply Slimming online slimming club with daily motivational messages on how to build, automate and plan your success, plus articles, recipes and tools. All for a single payment of just £47 (about $87). See it all at

Dinner idea : Pasta is faster

Pasta is a great way to get something on the table fast when you come in from work and need something NOW. Calm down your appetite a little with an apple while you put the pasta onto boil and make a simple sauce. You can combine chopped onions, garlic and tinned tomatoes, in a pan and cook together with a knob of butter for 10 minutes. Puree and you have a delicious sauce. Top with a tablespoon or two of grated cheese. Delicious and fast!

Or try our new recipes in the slimming club members' area this week :-

15 minute creamy mushroom pasta
Chicken Tortilla
Sticky pork stir fry

Q and A : Beating the Boredom with snacks

Ask Simply Slimming is a facility for members to pose any question to our coaches. One of our members asked this week how to cope with eating too much when she is bored at work. Recommendations included advice about finding ways to make the particular task in question more interesting if possible and also planning food more carefully on those days when boredom is likely to strike - we gave options for several low calorie snacks available and advice about combining these with a light lunch so that over the course of the day she was not having more food than she needed.

See the full response in the Ask Simply Slimming section in the members area.

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues, please let me know.
P.P.S. Know anyone else who would like a copy? Please pass it on. If you received this from a friend you can get your own copy at Look for the link to "Free report"

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Copyright 2005, J. Small All Rights Reserved.

This newsletter provides information for general purposes only and is not intended as a substitute foe medical or health advice from professionals. The accuracy, completeness and suitability of the material for your needs has not been assessed or verified and cannot be guaranteed. This disclaimer also applies to any recommendations or links within the newsletter. You bear responsibility for your own health research and decisions. Please consult with a professional health care advisor before embarking on a weight loss or exercise program or making any personal health decisions. No liability can be accepted for the use made of any information contained within the newsletter or obtained by following any links or recommendations within it. If you do not wish to accept the above conditions you may not use our materials.


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