Friday, September 30, 2005

No More Diets - Which type of dieter are you?

18th September 2005


Back to a round of school parents' evenings and picking up
children at the school gate every day.

It amazes me how I send my two boys to school with a whole
(mainly healthy!) packed lunch and half of it comes back at
the end of the day. But when they are at home they are
hungry every 5 minutes and would wolf the lot down.

I put this down to how much there is going on at school -
there are more interesting things to do than eating - like
football, swap cards and chatting with their friends.

Maybe this is a lesson for us all to keep interested in what
we're doing not just in what we're having for lunch and dinner
- I know when I'm absorbed in something I sometimes forget
to eat until I'm really hungry too!

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth
Personal Weight Loss coach

"The friendliest place to lose weight on the web"

Feature Article : Which type of dieter are you?

Are you the kind who starts full of enthusiasm embracing a
new plan on day 1 yet falling by the wayside a few weeks or
months later?

Or are you a dabbler - someone who tries a bit of this plan
a bit of that and never really gets anywhere?

Or are you someone who gets to your target weight, more or
less keeping to your diet, and then ditches it with glee
only to put all the weight back on again?

Or are you are person who is forever starting again on

Whatever type you are now, you can be successful in future,
but you WILL need a change in approach - after all if the
ways you've tried to lose weight and keep it off in the past
haven't worked for you, chances are they never will.

How do the people who succeed at losing weight actually do

Among my coaching clients I have established four factors
that make the difference (and you don't even need a coach to
put them in place):-

* an absolute determination to succeed
* openness to changing your habits for the long term not
just to meet your target weight
* having a simple plan to follow that you can live with
for life
* getting support

With these four elements in place the effort of losing
weight is easier than you might imagine. It's still an
effort but one that you will find is worth making.

* If you were absolutely determined to succeed you would
not find it so difficult to choose healthy food
options, to change what you need to change.
* If you were happy to change your habits for life you
would not have that diet mentality where you deprive
yourself of a cookie all day only to give in and eat
the whole packet in the evening, where you feel the
need to "cheat" and then suffer the "guilt" or "shame"
that comes with it
* Having a simple plan means you don't get bored with
counting and calculating, measuring and weighing food
or despairing as you huff and puff around the gym using
a regime that doesn't suit you or your lifestyle.
* And getting support - from family, from friends, from
the routines and structure you put in place simply
makes things go more easily, whatever system you're

Over the next four weeks we'll look at each of these
elements individually. You will see how to change your own
approach so you can succeed in losing weight too.

Meanwhile have a think about which of these elements are
missing in the way you go about losing weight just now and
see if you can find ways to put some of them in place.

Janice Elizabeth Small

If you want to try out the 24 key habits that automate your
weight loss and learn how to slot them easily into your
life, get the Diet Exit Plan manual today. You'll get
fantastic support and encouragement too with the
accompanying 8-week coaching program including personal
access to our weight loss coaches and special reports. Not
only that, we've included 3-months membership of the Simply
Slimming online slimming club with daily motivational
messages on how to build, automate and plan your success,
plus articles, recipes and tools. All for a single payment
of just £47 (about $87). See it all at

Kitchen gadget : Slow cooker or crock pot

There's nothing like coming home starving to be greeted by a
healthy and delicious meal already prepared for you.

If you don't have a willing and able chef waiting in the
wings at home, a slow cooker is the next best thing. A
quick bit of preparation in the morning, throw it all in and
it's ready for dinner on your return.

It's best to use the book of recipes that come with your own
unit as they do vary a little or experiment with other crock
pot recipes adapting them for your particular machine.

These machines used to be just for families but they now
come in a smaller size so you can cook for one or two.

Well worth buying. Why not treat yourself as a reward the
next time you reach a milestone in your diet?

Q and A : Keeping slim

A member asks "Whatever diet I've tried in the past I always
put the weight straight back on again. Is there anything I
can do while going through the Diet Exit Plan to stop that
happening this time?"

The answer lies in the difference between the Diet Exit Plan
and a normal diet.

On a diet you have a period of continual restriction and as
often as not this is followed by a period of overeating when
you stop dieting to make up for it. Feast follows famine.
And piling on the pounds follows reaching your target weight
as sure as eggs are eggs.

On the Diet Exit Plan you learn to eat just enough healthy
delicious food all the time to lose weight with an odd
occasion where you decide to overeat - you never have to
feel deprived. (Occasional overeating doesn't matter - it's
what you do day in day out that counts.)

In addition Simply Slimming offers advice about how to
simply monitor yourself after you reach your target weight
which means you have a way of making sure you will continue
to fit your new skinny clothes!

Get the full answer in the Ask Simply Slimming section in
the members area. If you're not a member you can join for
free when you purchase the Diet Exit plan at

Also in the members' site this week

Special 11 page report "101 Healthy Snack Ideas - What to do
when the Munchies strike" including 12 healthy and delicious
easy recipes. You'll find it to download in the Tools

On the forum : Cottage cheese ideas, Butternut squash soup
and a beefy cabbage meal in a soup bowl.

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any
comments or suggestions for future issues, please let me
know. You can mail me at

P.P.S. Know anyone else who would like a copy? Please pass
it on. If you received this from a friend you can get your
own copy at Look for the link
to "Free report"

Legal and admin

Copyright 2005, J. Small All Rights Reserved.

This newsletter provides information for general purposes
only and is not intended as a substitute foe medical or
health advice from professionals. The accuracy, completeness
and suitability of the material for your needs has not been
assessed or verified and cannot be guaranteed. This
disclaimer also applies to any recommendations or links
within the newsletter. You bear responsibility for your own
health research and decisions. Please consult with a
professional health care advisor before embarking on a
weight loss or exercise program or making any personal
health decisions. No liability can be accepted for the use
made of any information contained within the newsletter or
obtained by following any links or recommendations within
it. If you do not wish to accept the above conditions you
may not use our materials.


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