Saturday, February 18, 2006

No More Diets - Denial or Choice

11th February 2006


Feature Article:
Denial or Choice

Recipe of the Week:
Chicken Noodle Stir Fry


We had a family pizza and TV night last night - an indoor picnic. Good fun and not too unhealthy. I made the pizza bases and topped them with homemade tomato sauce and low fat cheese and chicken. And we had fruit and vegetable sticks to munch on as well - it's amazing how well they go down if you serve them while the pizza is cooking!

Granted, double cheese stuffed crust with all the fattening toppings may be tastier (I know, I love it too!) but it will add inches to your waistline and clog your arteries over time.

You've just got to find ways to have fun and enjoy your food without killing yourself slowly but surely in the process.... it doesn't have to be tofu, lentils and beans all the way (although they can be great too if you have the right recipes). Eat what you love but find healthier ways to cook it.

Have a great weekend


Janice Elizabeth
Personal Weight Loss coach

"The friendliest place to lose weight on the web"

P.S. If you've missed any issues of this ezine, you can find all 25 of them on the No More Diets back issues blog at

Feature Article : Denial or Choice

There are lots of things you know you're better off without when you're trying to lose weight such as sugar, cakes, cookies, pies, pastry and chocolate to name but a few. And every traditional diet has it's list of foods you're not supposed to eat.

Although I think it's better (if you can stop yourself eating once you start) not to deny yourself those foods you love but to eat them in moderation, (an occasional treat rather than a part of your everyday diet), you can help yourself by approaching healthy eating with the right attitude.

Just by saying to yourself "I can't have that. I'm on a diet" is is enough to make you crave a forbidden food more than ever and as often as not you will have to have some. It's like giving "don't touch" rules to a small child. It just makes the object of desire even more interesting and attractive.

But if you take a different approach and say to yourself "I'm choosing healthy food today and I choose not to eat that because I know it won't do me any good at all" then you feel better about the whole situation. You are an adult making adult choices and taking responsibility for what you decide to put in your mouth. You're not following some arbitrary rules designed to make you miserable, you're doing something positive for your health, for yourself.

In the same way don't tell yourself "I've got to go to the gym". Approach exercise with that same "I've decided to do this for myself" attitude. And choose activities which you enjoy. If you hate the gym, don't go - there are lots of fun activities which will help you get fit and slim without so much as setting foot in a gym.

Don't see your weight loss program as a necessary evil. See it purely as a set of guidelines taking you to where you CHOOSE to be - healthy, fit, slim, active - whatever you want for your life and your health.

Make your choices, feel good about making them and you'll succeed without so much struggle.

It's a small shift in attitude but a very powerful one.

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

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If you want to make 2006 the year you lose weight for good, learn the 24 keys to permanently losing weight with the Diet Exit Plan. This is an online coaching program which helps you think and act like the slim person you are inside. You'll learn how to take on those slim habits and slot them easily into your life.

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Recipe of the week : Chicken Noodle Stir Fry

This is a very quick supper to whizz up after work. You could use any lean meat or seafood in place of the chicken if you like. And vary the veggies to match those you like too. Vegetarians could leave out the chicken and replace with tofu or 50g (2oz) cashew nuts.

Serves 4

1 tablespoon vegetable oil
225g (8oz) chicken strips
2.5 cm (1") fresh ginger, peeled and grated or very finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
125g (4oz) frozen peas
375g (12oz) broccoli, in small florets
300ml (1/2 pint) chicken or vegetable stock (broth)
1-2 tablespoons soy sauce
225g (8oz) egg noodles

Cook the noodles according to the packet instructions (usually about 4 minutes in boiling water) adding the broccoli florets for the last 2 minutes of cooking time. Drain and reserve. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a wok and fry the chicken strips until cooked through. Add the ginger and garlic and fry for one more minute then add the peas, stock and soy sauce. Add the broccoli and noodles and heat through until the broccoli is cooked but still firm. Serve immediately.

New on the members' site this week

In the Recipes section

  • Lamb tabbouleh
  • Pasta with capers and olives
  • Spanish Omelette

Ask Simply Slimming Section

  • Best Low fat yogurt
  • How can I stop nibbling while cooking?

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues, please let me know.

P.S. Know anyone else who would like a copy of this ezine? Please pass it on. If you received this from a friend you can get your own copy at Look for the link to "Free report".

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Copyright 2006, J. Small All Rights Reserved.

This newsletter provides information for general purposes only and is not intended as a substitute foe medical or health advice from professionals. The accuracy, completeness and suitability of the material for your needs has not been assessed or verified and cannot be guaranteed. This disclaimer also applies to any recommendations or links within the newsletter. You bear responsibility for your own health research and decisions. Please consult with a professional health care advisor before embarking on a weight loss or exercise program or making any personal health decisions. No liability can be accepted for the use made of any information contained within the newsletter or obtained by following any links or recommendations within it. If you do not wish to accept the above conditions you may not use our materials.


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