Monday, May 22, 2006

No More Diets - An Irresistible Force for Weight Loss Success

19th May 2006


Feature Article:
  • An Irresistible Force for Weight Loss Success

Recipe of the Week:
  • Orange Mango Whip

Also why not take a look at What's New on theThink Slim blog this week?:
  • Dealing with Dessert
  • You are What you Eat
  • Overweight? Just say "no"


Exam time has arrived in the UK along with the sun. Why they couldn't have exams in winter, I don't know. My eldest son (who's just turned 16) is in the middle of his first major school exams and I think I'm getting more stressed than he is....

Note to self : eating chocolate due to stress of son's exams will not help him get higher marks

Only 4 more to go thank goodness...

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth
Personal Weight Loss coach

"The friendliest place to lose weight on the web"

P.S. If you've missed any issues of this ezine, you can find all 39 of them on the No More Diets back issues blog at

Feature Article : An Irresistible Force for Weight Loss Success

If there's one thing that separates those who succeed at losing weight and those who don't it's determination to do what it takes.

It takes determination to start a weight loss program in the first place when it would be so much easier just to let things go on as they are. It takes even more determination to keep up momentum and motivation when the going gets tough. And even more when you suffer a plateau or a setback.

And what do you think prevents those who succeed from sliding back into their old ways? Yes, you guessed it - determination again!

But how do you get more of this magic ingredient if you think (from past experience) that it's somehow lacking in you?

1. Determination comes from desire.

The more powerful your desire to be slim, the more determined you will be to succeed. Know exactly why you want to lose weight and how important it is to you and spend time visualising how it will be when you lose that weight (or how it will be if you don't). Make weight loss something you want so much for yourself that you're willing to make changes to achieve it.

2. Determination comes from belief.

The more you believe in your ability to achieve the end result the more you will continue through whatever obstacles and difficulties you encounter.

If you've failed at losing weight a number of times before it's likely that your self-belief in your ability to lose weight and keep it off is shaky and this will affect your determination. "No point being determined", you reason "if it all amounts to nothing in the end".

In this case, work out what went wrong before and think about what you can do differently this time - once you know where you tend to go wrong, you know how to succeed. By the laws of nature everyone can lose weight - and you can too.

3. Determination comes from self-esteem.

The more faith you have in yourself the less you will be swayed by others to go off course and the more success you will have. There's nothing like declaring that you're trying to lose weight for everyone to stick in their two cents of advice - or worse tell you not to bother and eat the cake anyway. If you find yourself being persuaded into doing things against your better judgement keep your plans to yourself. Build up your self-esteem by following your own path day in and day out, learning to respect your own decisions and the actions that you take to lose weight. Others will see you are serious by your results.

And how do you maintain your determination over the long-haul? That comes from keeping your desire and belief sharply in focus and your self-esteem up high. Constantly reaffirm how much losing weight means to you. Tell yourself every day that losing weight and staying slim is achievable for you as it is for everyone else. And take pride in every pound you lose - you're doing this for yourself and you're going to succeed.

And when things don't go according to plan and you go off course and gain a little weight back, don't let it throw you. Tell yourself how one little setback is not going to make a difference because you want this so much and everyone who has ever succeeded was never perfect either. Show yourself you have what it takes and be proud of how you get right back on track.

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

Make being slim a habit!

If you want to lose weight for good, discover the 24 keys to permanently losing weight with the Diet Exit Plan. This is an online coaching program which helps you think and act like the slim person you are inside. You'll see how to take on those slim habits and slot them more easily into your life.

You get all the support and encouragement you need to succeed too. The Diet Exit Plan manual is accompanied by 8 weekly modules and help from our weight loss coach is always on hand.

Not only that, we've also included 3-months membership of the Simply Slimming online slimming club with DAILY motivational messages about building, automating and planning your success, plus articles, recipes and tools. All for a single payment of just £47 (about $87). See it all at

Recipe of the week : Orange Mango Whip

A simple low-calorie dessert that's just a little bit special

100 calories a serving

Serves 4

2 large ripe mangoes
150ml (1/4 pint) low-fat natural Greek yogurt
1 medium orange

Peel and cube the mangoes and put in a food processor with the juice from half the orange. Add the yogurt and blend until smooth. Divide into 4 dishes and decorate with slices of orange.

New on the members' site this week

In the Recipes section
  • Tuna and pasta salad
  • Prawn (shrimp) and Tomato curry
  • Chicken Noodle Stir Fry

In the Ask Simply Slimming section
  • I can't get to the gym

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues, please let me know.

P.S. Know anyone else who would like a copy of this ezine? Please pass it on. If you received this from a friend you can get your own copy at Look for the link to "Free report".

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Copyright 2006, J. Small All Rights Reserved.

This newsletter provides information for general purposes only and is not intended as a substitute foe medical or health advice from professionals. The accuracy, completeness and suitability of the material for your needs has not been assessed or verified and cannot be guaranteed. This disclaimer also applies to any recommendations or links within the newsletter. You bear responsibility for your own health research and decisions. Please consult with a professional health care advisor before embarking on a weight loss or exercise program or making any personal health decisions. No liability can be accepted for the use made of any information contained within the newsletter or obtained by following any links or recommendations within it. If you do not wish to accept the above conditions you may not use our materials.


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