Monday, June 12, 2006

No More Diets - Eat Less Meat

9th June 2006


Feature Article:

* Eat Less Meat

Recipe of the Week:

* Fennel and Tomato Bake

Also new on my Think Slim Blog this week:

* Weight Loss Lipgloss
* Slim-choc (Are the comments for real?)
* Comfort Food


This week's article is about cutting down on red meat and so in honour of that this week's recipe is vegetarian.

I did have a go at eating only vegetarian food for a few months many moons ago but missed meat (and especially bacon) too much and reverted back to meat eating. But I still cook a lot of the dishes we discovered at that time simply because they taste so good.

Why not have a go at meat-free eating a couple of nights a week and experiment with some new recipes?

Have a great weekend


Janice Elizabeth
Personal Weight Loss coach

"The friendliest place to lose weight on the web"

P.S. If you've missed any issues of this ezine, you can find all 42 of them on the No More Diets back issues blog at

Feature Article : Eat Less Meat

We are always being told that eating less red meat is good for us (well except by the beef, pork and lamb marketing people) but it's hard for established meat eaters to give up the habit. A meal just doesn't feel like a meal to some without a big hunk of meaty protein.

You don't have to give up meat entirely but it would be good to cut down for the sake of your health. Current guidelines suggest that we should eat no more than two meals with red meat a week.

While lean red meat is not that high in calories, there is always some hidden fat in there. And vegetarians certainly find it easier to maintain their weight than meat eaters. Vegetarian meals tend to be higher in fibre, fill you up faster with fewer calories and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

To cut down on the amount of red meat you eat (if you're reluctant to go vegetarian) ...

1. Reduce portion sizes

A normal portion of meat is is much less than most of us serve up. It's about the size of a pack of standard playing cards. Bear that in mind before you cover half the plate with a juicy steak! Gradually reduce the amount of meat you put on your plate so that you get accustomed to being satisfied with less.

2. Avoid making meat the main event

You can make a small portion of meat go further by using it in a dish rather than serving it alone on a plate. Combine a smaller amount of meat with a lot of vegetables in a stew, curry or stir fry.

3. Don't leave out protein entirely

A meal that is just carbohydrate based will not keep you satisfied for long so you can't just leave the meat off your plate - you have to replace it with an alternative protein source such as beans, lentils, chicken or fish. Try lots of recipes until you hit on some you like.

4. Select classic vegetarian dishes

If you'd like to try some vegetarian dishes remember that for meat eaters, a meal that is designed to be a replacement for a typical meat dish (for example, veggieburgers instead of hamburgers, spaghetti bolognaise made with textured vegetable protein) just emphasises what is missing - the meat. But if you cook something that is classically vegetarian (pizza margherita, spaghetti in tomato sauce, lentil soup) then it's easier to enjoy your meal without feeling you're missing out.

5. Go easy on Dairy foods

A lot of vegetarian dishes are based on cheese, cream and eggs. While these are great sources of protein for vegetarians, they tend to be high in saturated fat - sometimes higher than the meat meals you are replacing. For example macaroni cheese will be higher in fat and calories than lean roast beef - so choose tomato based sauces or dishes using just a small amount of cheese when you plan your vegetarian meals.

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

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Recipe of the week : Fennel and Tomato bake

Recipe printed with kind pernission from Tracy Griffen a well-known Edinburgh fitness trainer. You can find her website at

Serves 2

Calories depend on how much olive oil you drizzle! Remember oil has about 120 calories a tablespoon otherwise this is a very low calorie dish.

one large fennel (or two small)
200 - 250g (about 8oz) cherry tomatoes
olive oil
balsamic vineager
juice of half a lemon
sea salt and cracked pepper
few springs of fresh thyme

Wash and remove the tough outer bits of the fennel, and chop the base out in a 'V' shape. Cut into 5mm slices, then steam until partially cooked (nearly tender). Wash the cherry tomatoes and combine them with the steamed fennel in a casserole dish. Drizzle over the olive oil, balsamic and lemon juice, add salt, pepper and thyme (fresh parsley tastes yummy too). Toss it all to combine and cook on a high shelf in an oven at about 220 degrees Centigrade (425F / Gas Mark 7). Cook for about 20 minutes or until the tomatoes are bursting from their skin .

New on the members' site this week

In the Recipes section:

* Cheese and Onion dip
* Hot Potato and Bean Salad
* Warm Rice Salad

On the Forum (anything else to share)

* Your Best Ever Body

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues, please let me know.

P.S. Know anyone else who would like a copy of this ezine? Please pass it on. If you received this from a friend you can get your own copy at Look for the link to "Free report".

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Copyright 2006, J. Small All Rights Reserved.

This newsletter provides information for general purposes only and is not intended as a substitute foe medical or health advice from professionals. The accuracy, completeness and suitability of the material for your needs has not been assessed or verified and cannot be guaranteed. This disclaimer also applies to any recommendations or links within the newsletter. You bear responsibility for your own health research and decisions. Please consult with a professional health care advisor before embarking on a weight loss or exercise program or making any personal health decisions. No liability can be accepted for the use made of any information contained within the newsletter or obtained by following any links or recommendations within it. If you do not wish to accept the above conditions you may not use our materials.


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