Monday, June 26, 2006

No More Diets - Junk Food Joy?

23rd June 2006


Feature Article:

* Junk Food Joy?

Recipe of the Week:

* "Instant" chicken noodles

New on my Think Slim Blog this week...

* Easy way to lose weight fast?
* Would your scales tell you this?
* Janet Jackson's Weight Loss Secrets


Oops - have got on my high-horse with this week's article but I just read again about how food manufacturers' profits are soaring while our standards of health suffer as a result and I got really mad's just like those computer hackers who use their technical skills to cause mayhem when they could use them to make the world a better place......

Have a great weekend


Janice Elizabeth
Personal Weight Loss coach

"The friendliest place to lose weight on the web"

P.S. If you've missed any issues of this ezine, you can find all 44 of them on the No More Diets back issues blog at

P.P.S. I still have 5 places in my test group for those of you who are serious about losing weight and have more than 15lbs to lose. Take a look at to try out my program for FREE.

Feature Article : Junk Food Joy?

Don't you just hate those food companies who make a fortune out of making us overweight and ill? They seem to seek out healthy children and adults and mesmerize them into eating their products with clever adverts and attractive packaging.

Yet we have to take some responsibility for the mess. The annual spend on the mountain of processed, packaged food and takeaways keeps on rising every year and coupled with veritable sea full of soda we swallow - it's not a pretty picture. We seem to have fallen in love with feeding ourselves junk even though there is not one of us who thinks it is good for us.

Where will it all end? As the profits of the food manufacturers go up, our average weight increases and our health takes a nose-dive.

We know all this and we still continue to buy that stuff. Maybe we have cut down a little but we still buy it - I still buy it now and again and I definitely know better!

What are the manufacturers and fast-food vendors doing to make us buy what is truly killing us and making us fat?
  • They have made junk food and soda acceptable, even glamorous with their adverts
  • They have made this type of food easy to "grab and go"
  • They have made the kids use "pester power" demand it from us using toys and cartoon characters
  • They have made it cheap by adding trans-fats and low-grade food fillers
  • They have made the packaging bright and desirable.
  • They have put it on every street corner and in every store - piles of it
  • They have infiltrated our culture and made eating junk part of almost every outing
  • They have made it unnecessary to cook and some of us no longer do
  • They have become so powerful that governments are unable to legislate against them
  • They have filled their foods with the fatty, salty, crunchy or sweet comfort we crave
What can you do about it?

Well, there's one solution - you can refuse to give them your money!

You don't need a single junk item the manufacturers and fast food retailers produce and your body certainly doesn't. If you don't buy it, you can't eat it.

Does that fill you with horror? Are you feeling miserable at the thought of doing without your donuts and double cheeseburgers? super size cola and fries? double chocolate chip cookies and ice cream? Chocolate bars and crunchy snacks?

There is a solution to that too.

Eat the junk foods you love but eat them rarely - say once a month - the tiniest portion you can get. Or do something radical like learning to prepare some of your favourites at home using the purest highest-quality ingredients. I have never eaten a commercial burger since I found out how easy they are to make myself and how much better they taste.

If your weight is not making you happy then junk food is not going to cheer you up - it is just adding to your problems. Beat it with a boycott or keep it where it belongs - off your everyday menu.

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

Recipe of the week : "Instant" Chicken noodles

Not quite as fast as pouring boiling water in a plastic pot - but all the taste without the chemicals

Serves 2

475 calories a serving

125g (4oz) cooked and chopped chicken
125g (4oz) medium egg noodles
Olive oil spray
1 red (bell) pepper, deseeded and chopped
200g (7oz) broccoli, in small florets
125g (4oz) mushrooms, thickly sliced
25g (1oz) cashew nuts
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon runny honey

Cook the noodles according to the packet instructions (about 4 minutes). Meanwhile spray a pan with oil and stir fry the red pepper, broccoli and mushrooms for 5 minutes. Add the cashew nuts, ginger, soy sauce and honey and continue to stir fry. Add the chicken and noodles and heat through. Serve immediately.

New on the members' site this week

In the Recipes section:

* White Bean, Mushroom and Spinach Salad
* Summer Chicken with Lemon
* Broccoli Pasta

On the Forum (Anything Else to Share section)

* Take the Vitality Assessment

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues, please let me know.

P.S. Know anyone else who would like a copy of this ezine? Please pass it on. If you received this from a friend you can get your own copy at Look for the link to "Free report".

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Copyright 2006, J. Small All Rights Reserved.

This newsletter provides information for general purposes only and is not intended as a substitute foe medical or health advice from professionals. The accuracy, completeness and suitability of the material for your needs has not been assessed or verified and cannot be guaranteed. This disclaimer also applies to any recommendations or links within the newsletter. You bear responsibility for your own health research and decisions. Please consult with a professional health care advisor before embarking on a weight loss or exercise program or making any personal health decisions. No liability can be accepted for the use made of any information contained within the newsletter or obtained by following any links or recommendations within it. If you do not wish to accept the above conditions you may not use our materials.


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