Thursday, July 13, 2006

No More Diets - Quick Fix Plan

30th June 2006


Feature Article:

* Quick Fix Plan

Recipe of the Week:

* Chicken with Lemon and Garlic

New on my Think Slim Blog this week...

* A genuine weight loss pill
* Do You Keep a Food Diary?
* Media Weight Loss Advice


I don't usually talk about quick weight loss plans very much - in the long run you're better off changing your habits gradually so the weight stays off for good.

But what happens if you have an event in a couple of weeks or a month and you want to look your very best quickly? The article this week gives my recommendations if this applies to you.

Have a great weekend


Janice Elizabeth
Personal Weight Loss coach

"The friendliest place to lose weight on the web"

P.S. If you've missed any issues of this ezine, you can find all 45 of them on the No More Diets back issues blog at

Feature Article : Quick Fix Plan

So you've got a wedding or a school reunion coming up in a few weeks and you want to look your very best by losing some weight fast. What do you do?

You could embark on a strict diet and exercise plan - the shop bookshelves (and maybe even yours) are full of advice. But a lot of the rigid weight loss programs are impractical to follow for even a short time.

Instead, here's a plan that isn't too complicated and doesn't involve starving yourself or spending hours at the gym. It will keep you looking and feeling good and full of energy too while you lose some weight.

1. Drink Water

Replace every beverage you normally drink with one which is calorie free and full of health-giving benefits - water. It will flush out your system, make your skin glow and help you shed excess fat. Dump the system clogging soda (even diet soda), coffee and tea and calorie laden alcohol, juice and milky drinks and go for pure water or herbal tea. (Peppermint is great)

If you tend to get caffeine withdrawal symptoms gradually replace the caffeine based drinks one by one over the time you have available.

Surprisingly this step which is the simplest is often the hardest for people to stick to - you would think I was advising poison sometimes. But persevere - once you feel the benefits of proper hydration you'll never look back.

2. Eat Small Meals Often

Never let yourself get too hungry or too full by eating several small meals and snacks a day. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack and then a small bedtime snack if you need it.

Make sure every meal or snack has some lean protein as this will help to stabilize your blood sugar and keep you satisfied for longer. For meals keep the proportions on your plate roughly a quarter protein, a quarter whole grain carbohydrate and a half vegetables or salad. No meal should be larger than the size of two of your clenched fists although you can eat additional vegetables or salad if you are still hungry.

Include a variety of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and low fat dairy products so that you get the full range of nutrients which are essential for keeping up energy levels and making you look and feel at your best. Eat real food and dump the junk. This involves making sure you have planned ahead to keep the healthy food you like available.

If you have to eat out, choose a starter portion for your main course and avoid the bread, fried food, sauces and dessert.

Sample meal ideas :-

breakfast : poached egg on whole meal toast OR porridge oats made with milk with a sliced banana (for sweetness) and a few toasted almonds OR a couple of slices of ham on rye crisp bread with sliced tomato

lunch : home made chicken and vegetable soup with a whole meal roll OR tuna and whole grain rice salad OR a tomato omelette with whole meal toast and green salad OR a whole meal roll with a little grated cheese and raw vegetable sticks with a little dip

dinner : grilled meat or fish with a salad OR stir fried vegetables and bean sprouts with cashew nuts or shrimp with soy sauce and a little whole grain rice or noodles OR a baked potato with grated cheese and salad

snacks : a hard-boiled egg and an apple OR a slice of ham with a fresh peach OR a plain low fat yogurt mixed with nuts and seeds OR raw vegetable sticks and a small cube of cheese

3. Walk

Take a walk every day - as much as you are able even if it's only 10 minutes. But an hour would be great if you can manage it. Also keep as active as you can throughout the day - don't sit still when you can move! Put lots of energy into everything you do.

4. Firm Up

Do a few muscle strengthening exercises every day for 10 minutes or so. Hold in your tummy at the traffic lights. Strengthen your arms while you watch TV. Do lunges while the kettle boils. Do leg extensions under your desk while you work.

And actually, if you manage to follow all 4 points for a few weeks it is not so very far from the habits that you want to get into to be slim for life and you could easily continue your good habits without too much fuss and be slim for life after all ...

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

Recipe of the week : Chicken with Lemon and Garlic

Serve with a side salad and a little whole grain rice

Serves 4

275 calories a serving

4 small chicken breast fillets without skin
3 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 large clove garlic, peeled and crushed
Finely grated rind of half a lemon
Freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Centigrade (375F/Gas Mark 5). Mix the butter with the garlic, parsley and lemon rind. Season with black pepper. Make a slit in the side of each chicken breast to make a pocket and stuff with the butter mixture. Wrap each chicken breast in foil and place on a baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes until cooked through. Unwrap before serving.

New on the members' site this week

In the Recipes section:

* Lemon Tuna Pasta
* Meat Loaf
* Mushroom Chilli

On the Forum (Anything Else to Share section)

* Sanity Savers

Have a great week


Janice Elizabeth

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues, please let me know.

P.S. Know anyone else who would like a copy of this ezine? Please pass it on. If you received this from a friend you can get your own copy at Look for the link to "Free report".

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Copyright 2006, J. Small All Rights Reserved.

This newsletter provides information for general purposes only and is not intended as a substitute foe medical or health advice from professionals. The accuracy, completeness and suitability of the material for your needs has not been assessed or verified and cannot be guaranteed. This disclaimer also applies to any recommendations or links within the newsletter. You bear responsibility for your own health research and decisions. Please consult with a professional health care advisor before embarking on a weight loss or exercise program or making any personal health decisions. No liability can be accepted for the use made of any information contained within the newsletter or obtained by following any links or recommendations within it. If you do not wish to accept the above conditions you may not use our materials.


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